Your Business Status and Goals Assessment

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This brief assessment will provide us with the information we need to optimally help you with your business. Some of the questions are very personal in nature (hopes, dreams, finances, etc.), but they will all be held in strict confidence. We only ask them in order to get an idea of 1) where you are now, 2) where you would like to be, and 3) what resources you have at your disposal in order to help you get there. That way we can help steer you down the right path. If you don't feel like answering a question, just choose the option "I'd rather not say."

Please enter your first and last name, e-mail address, and cell-phone number (for text reminders when we schedule a call with you). *

Please choose the best description of your business status. *

What are some of the primary success goals you would like to accomplish in the next year and in the next five years? *

Click and drag the following items to rank their importance to you, with the most important on top and the least important on bottom: *
  • Helping many people
  • Making a significant amount of money
  • Personal growth and education
  • Creating a lasting legacy through my work
  • Having lots of free time to pursue lifestyle options

Please choose the option that best describes your feelings about your income: *

Please choose the option that best describes your feelings regarding your current (or anticipated) business model: *

Your success in pursuing certain business models may be affected by the amount of capital you have at your disposal. So that we can help determine what options are available to you, please share what you currently have available for possible investment in your business: *

How committed are you to achieving your stated goals within the next year? *

- If you could be close to (or even beyond) achievement of your stated goals within a year, would that be worth investing--for a period of time--a fraction of the additional profit you will be making? *